There in the early morning light pearls tremble on the meadow flowers, pearls drop on the grass, and pearls are scattered on the sand in spray by the wild sea-waves. 那个地方,在清晨的曙光里,珠子在草地的野花上颤动,珠子落在绿草上,珠子被汹狂的海浪一大把一大把地撒在沙滩上。
The meadow is prickly with spiky grass, and through it runs a narrow broken path. 草地上刺蓬蓬地长着针尖似的草,一条狭而崎岖的小道通过这块草地。
Finally Cary Crawley, a professional balloon pilot from England, lands us on a meadow sandwiched between the river and a tilled field, the wicker basket bumping three times along the frosty grass before it comes to rest on its side. 最后,来自英国的专业飞行员加里•克劳利(CaryCrawley)把热气球停靠于河流与耕地间的一块草地上,载人的柳条筐顺着结霜的草地冲撞了三下,才最终侧停住。
I took off at a run, galloping away from the path and down into the meadow, just tearing across that moonlit bath of grass. 我跑了起来,奔出步径,跑到草地上,冲过沐浴在月光下的草坪。
When she rented out the land, after Richard died, she stipulated the pasture must be kept intact, left untouched, even though it was empty now and had turned to meadow grass. 理查德死后她把地租出去时,曾明文规定牧场必须保留原封不动,尽管现在已是蒿草高长的空地。
A meadow by itself is just grass, flowers. 一片草地只是一片长满青草和花朵的土地。
Valuable meadow and pasture grass in Europe and especially central United States having tall stalks and slender bright green leaves; a chief constituent in lawn grass mixtures. 欧洲尤其是美国中部贵重的草地和牧场草,茎高,叶纤细呈鲜艳的绿色;草坪混合草的主要成分。
Effect of Different Grazing Intensity on the Spring and Autumn Meadow Steppe of the Stipa Capillata+ herbage; Cattle enjoy grazing on the tall grass prairie, where places like the Z-Bar Ranch set fires every spring. 不同放牧强度对针茅+杂类草草甸草原春秋场的影响牛群在茂盛的斯普林牧场上享用着牧草,像这样的牧场每年春天都会放火燃烧牧场。
As they talked on, the evening turned blue, light fog brushing the meadow grass. 他们谈着谈着,夜色变蓝了,薄雾擦过牧场的草。
The cattle fattened on the meadow grass. 牛群靠吃牧场的青草长得肥肥的。
A meadow bu itself is just grass, flowers. 单纯的一片草原只是青草和鲜花。
In alpine meadow region in the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, percentage of sown grass species was maintained stable in grazed grassland. 在青藏高原高寒草甸区,暖季放牧尤其是轮牧可以使人工草地的播种牧草比例保持稳定。
The herb: Small to preceded flower, alfalfa, white three leaf, meadow early-maturing standing grain, purple sheep cogongrass, have awn bromegrass 、 ice grass 、 lay down the wheatgrass; 草本植物:小冠花、紫花苜蓿、白三叶、草地早熟禾、紫羊茅、无芒雀麦、冰草、偃麦草:④爬藤植物:爬山虎、地锦、常春藤、迎春、蔷薇、紫藤;
Through rotation grazing, the grassland is used effectively, while the animal products of pasture stock increased For grazing fat lambs, each lamb could supplied with 0.09 0.13 ha grassland on subalpine meadow at fresh grass period of four months. 亚高山草甸类草地四个月的青草期划区轮牧育肥羔羊,每只羊约需草地面积0.09~0.13ha。
The result indicated that: with the change of ecological factors and intensification of human activities, strong stability of grassland community structure of the local alpine meadow type along the highway in this region was found, proportion of medium xerophilous 、 rhizomous grass increased; 结果显示:随着生态因子发生变化和人类活动的加剧,该区公路沿线高寒草甸类草地群落结构表现出了较强的稳定性,中旱生耐旱的根茎型禾草比重有所增加;
Mountain meadow as a special type of grass in Chongqing city mainly distributes in Wuxi and Wushan County, at an elevation of above 2000 meters in mountainous areas, which covers an area with broad and obvious characteristics of resources and great potential for development. 重庆山区草甸草地作为一种特殊的草地类型,主要分布于巫溪县及巫山县海拔约2000m以上的山地地区,具有占地面积广、资源特色明显、开发潜力大等特点。